CJCP will offer the following college credit courses for 2018-2019 academic year. All of these courses require a GPA of at least 3.0 and may also require a testing component.
English Composition (12th graders)
Pre-Calculus 1 & Pre-Calculus 2 (10th-12th graders)
Statistics 1 & Statistics 2 (11th-12th graders)
Intro to Personal Finance & Intro to Business (11th-12th graders)
Before our counseling department begins the scheduling process later this month, we will host a parent information night about the Concurrent Enrollment Program. We strongly recommend that parents and students who are considering enrolling in any of these courses attend as we will go over valuable information about the program. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP)
PRESENTER : Joanne Travaglini, RVCC HS Outreach Coordinator
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2018
Time: 6:00 pm
Place: Auditorium