Thursday, November 16, 2017
Arrival Times (8:45 am)
Arrival– CJCP will participate in three sessions (follow agenda for workshops and fair schedule):
· Student Motivation with Nashad Warfield
· HBCU College Fair Representatives, and
· HBCU Pathway to Excellence with Allan Boomer, Tiffany Hawkins and Kyle Pitts (Entrepreneurs, Wall Street Executive and Marketing Executive with Puff Daddy).
TRANSCRIPTS/RECOMMENDATION LETTERS/RESUME - 43 Historically Black College and University (HBCU) Fair
For Seniors: Official student transcripts, copy of SAT scores, teachers recommendation letters, and student’s resume are needed to complete the college on-site application.
£ WALK-IN REGISTRATION: Students arriving apart from their school should have a permission slip from the school and/or parent, acceptable identification, and their Admittance Pass, if possible.